FishKoi Polish Language School

Polish Language School
for Foreigners in Wrocław

Express yourself
Engage in dialogue
Make connections


General Polish Courses

  • morning or evening classes
  • a large dose of practical knowledge
  • small groups (4-6 people)


Free trial lesson!

Pick your way to take part in Polish lessons in Wroclaw!

FishKoi – a polish language school in Wroclaw – offers something for everyone. Polish language classes in Wroclaw are carried out for every level of advancement. For those looking for a more personalized learning experience, we prepared one-to-one sessions! The group lessons – are perfect for those seeking lasting partnerships and exciting interactions! Last but not least – Our intense polish course in Wroclaw – is an offer – consisting of enormous knowledge quantities served in a condensed course schedule.

Better Together!
Learn and meet people from around the globe!

General Polish Course

  • 4-month period
  • morning or evening classes
  • small groups (4-6 people)
  • all language levels A0 - C2
  • course completion certificate

Perfect Polish in no time?
The Intense Course is for you!
A serious dose of language skills and rapid progress!

Intense Polish Course

  • 30 Polish lessons* (2 weeks period)
  • small groups (4-6 people)
  • all language levels A0 - C2
  • course completion certificate

Solo or Tandem
Classes are tailored specially for your needs!

Individual Classes

  • personalized approach
  • flexible schedule
  • effective methodology of teaching
  • Polish lessons at site or online
You’ll start speaking Polish with us!

Polish Summer Courses

Immerse yourself in the language and increase your Polish language level!

What others say about us

Mami RolskiMami Rolski ★★★★★ POL: Od momentu kiedy zaczęłam chodzić na lekcje grupowe w szkole FishKoi, moja nauka języka polskiego nabrała szybszego tempa. Pani Hania, czyli moja nauczycielka, jest miła, kompetentna i cierpliwa. Słucha uważnie uczniów i odnosi się do nich z szacunkiem. Na każde moje pytanie, odpowiada jasno i upewnia się, że wszystko rozumiem. Dzięki temu, czuję się komfortowo na zajęciach i chętnie kontynuuję współpracę.Polecam tę szkołę każdemu, kto chce nauczyć się języka polskiego. Nie ma znaczenia na jakim jesteś poziomie.- - -ENG: I highly recommend this polish language school for anyone who’s looking to learn and improve their polish. Lessons are tailored to individual needs with lots of conversations that you can apply in real life situations. Hania is a very understanding and patient teacher.I truly enjoy taking lessons with her and feel like my language skills are improving quickly. Gotta give it a try!ViktoriaViktoria ★★★★★ I have definitely improved my Polish by attending FishKoi school.I reached A2 level by 6 months and really enjoyed the process.All materials are modern and relevant, we discussed topics that will be needed in our daily life. There’s always a small group of 4-6 people.Hanna Król is a great teacher with a sense of humour, deep understanding of students’ psychology and dedication to teach and reach results.Highly recommend!Elena PodverbnayaElena Podverbnaya ★★★★★ Dzięki tym kursom zacząłam mówić po polsku i rozumieć ze słuchu język. Bardzo ciekawe zajęcia, otrzymuę przyjemność 🙂 Dziękuę Hanno za indywidualne podejście!👍Maxim PeshkoMaxim Peshko ★★★★★ Highly recommend this school. You could start from any level, I came with zero knowledge and recently I ended A2 level. For sure I gonna continue the course, you will fell the progress after several lessons definitely 😄Even grammar ( which I don’t like frankly speaking) is understandable with Hannas helpGuillermo Sanz BlesaGuillermo Sanz Blesa ★★★★★ Even though this is a Polish school, I feel obliged to write this opinion in English so that you'll feel interested to join this lessons with Hania Król. Yet if your Polish language is still to sprout, I think Hania's pedagogic skills will be an excellent fertiliser for you to improve your knowledge in this fascinating language.Bardzo dziękuję, Hania, i zapraszam wszystkich!D. Sebastian TapascoD. Sebastian Tapasco ★★★★★ My Business Polish is much better now. Fishkoi is a great place to learn Polish. Thank you!Frank RiedelFrank Riedel ★★★★★ FishKoi is a really good private language school. Hanna Król is dedicated and has high linguistic & didactic skills and is a friendly and pleasant personality. I can only recommend FishKoi and will book it again.Lukasz GalejLukasz Galej ★★★★★ It is a great school and way of learning is very innovative as well. You wouldn't just sit in the classroom and repeat words that teacher tells you. You go into the city and "talk" your way out!!! Highly recommended.Daniil LishankovDaniil Lishankov ★★★★★ Спасибо за обучение!На всех уроках была приятная и дружелюбная атмосфера, каждому уделялось достаточно внимания и возможность получить пояснение, если что-то было непонятно.Рекомендую эту школу для изучения польского языка!Максим ШулаковМаксим Шулаков ★★★★★ Отличные преподаватель , Аня знает как подойти и как научить с нуля и довести до очень высокого уровня . Мы почти год занимались раз в неделю , и поляки часто даже не понимают , что я иностранец . Очень рекомендуюКристина ПокулитаяКристина Покулитая ★★★★★ Я дуже задоволена навчанням!Hania професіонал своєї справи, я й не помітила як з легкістю почала розмовляти і писати польскою!))) А ще на заняттях завжди приємна, дружня і цікава атмосфера, завжди відчувається, що Hania любить те, чим займається. Від щирого серця рекомендую школу FishKoi!Віталій ПономарВіталій Пономар ★★★★★ Дуже раджу дану школу!Дуже якісне навчання і дуже приємна викладачка!Мені поталанило потрапити у невелику групу, і перший курс (А1) ми ходили на заняття в кількості до 5 чоловік.Другий курс (А2) група була ще менша - лише 3 чоловіки.Це дозволило досить інтенсивно використовувати час заняття на розмовну практику ітд.Досить гнучко можна домовитися про графік навчання. В т.ч. якщо у більшості групи з тих чи інших причин не вдається бути присутнім на занятті, то його іноді можна перенести на інший час (разово).Ханна (викладачка) володіє крім її рідної польської, також російською і англійською. Тому проблем в комунікації бути не повинно взагалі.Вважаю ці курси найкращою своєю інвестицією в Польщі на даний час 🙂Mert OnculMert Oncul ★★★★★ Hanna, she is a very talented teacher. The technics she is using while teaching, encourages and motivates you. With her enthusiasim , you never get bored in the class. I recommend her company to every expat who would like improve their Polish.Isai AlbarranIsai Albarran ★★★★★ I highly recommend this school for learning Polish. The innovative method using games and constant practice keeps classes engaging and fun. We're always speaking Polish, which really boosts our confidence and skills. The atmosphere is friendly and supportive, making it a joy to learn. The teacher is extremely professional and passionate, ensuring we understand everything clearly. Overall, an excellent place to learn Polish!Dayana DíazDayana Díaz ★★★★★ I signed up for Polish classes with Hanna at Fish Koi, after almost 5 months on this course I can say that it has been a great experience, I have learned and enjoyed it, she makes all the classes enjoyable with games and dialogues. After this semester I can understand and speak perfectly as a beginner. I will definitely continue learning in Fish koi😊Andrey GubarevichAndrey Gubarevich ★★★★★ Gorąco polecam szkołę FiskKoi! Hanna potrafi zorganizować zajęcia w bardzo interaktywny sposób, który obejmuje dużo mówienia z wystarczającą ilością gramatyki, aby stale się rozwijać, nie nudząc się ani nie stresując. Czekam na kontynuację nauki w przyszłym roku szkolnym.Алексей РомановАлексей Романов ★★★★★ Dziękuję za lekcje! Bardzo mi się podobało, Hanna jest moją najlepszą nauczycielką w Polsce:)Sasha L.Sasha L. ★★★★★ Polecam tę szkołę każdemu! Na zajęciach czeka na Ciebie miła, przyjazna i komfortowa atmosfera! Pani Hannah jest profesjonalistką w swojej dziedzinie i bardzo miłą, uprzejmą osobą!Я рекомендую эту школу для всех! На занятиях вас ждёт приятная, дружелюбная и комфортная атмосфера! Пани Ханна - профессионал своего дела и очень добрый, внимательный человек!Saeed NajafiSaeed Najafi ★★★★★ If you have tried different methods and Apps to learn Polish and you're not satisfied with your Polish level, I highly recommend checking the Fish Koi and trying a session. I'm sure you will be amazed by the result even after the first session.The classes are well designed according to students' level in a friendly atmosphere with diverse practices and topics to keep you engaged in all activities.Hania is a dedicated and patient teacher who passionately pursues every student to ensure he/she is immersed in the learning process. Her good vibes and artistic taste make her teaching skills and knowledge incredibly effective.Zhanna NZhanna N ★★★★★ Językiem polskim zajmuję się z Hania od ponad roku .Hania jest profesjonalistką w swojej pracy, wie, jak znaleźć indywidualne podejście do ucznia.Nasze wykłady są proste i pouczające.Oglądamy różne filmy, czytamy aktualne artykuły, a następnie dyskutujemy.Hania jest świetnym rozmówcą na kazdy temat.Mój mówiony język polski stał się znacznie lepszy i bardziej swobodny.Polecam wszystkim naukę języka polskiego z Hania!js_loader

Our Mission

At FishKoi we provide language skills that are easily applicable in real-life situations. We strive for our trainees to be fully engaged in the learning process, that's why we create polish language courses that are interactive, substantive, and conducted in a partnership atmosphere, right here at polish language school in Wroclaw!

Time to... Speak openly!

In our Polish language courses, we use the Dogme method, which establishes dynamic group communication. During the Polish language classes, the teacher stays open to questions and topics advanced by students. Thanks to that, trainees feel they co-create the course itself!

Time to... Create Partnerships!

Rich and lasting partnerships are important - for us and our trainees. Trust is a key factor for more engagement during classes. You can count on us that FishKoi courses are exciting and truly involving - all those factors translate for your's quick results in learning a new language! Find all of that during Polish classes in Wroclaw

5 years
