Intense Polish Course

Perfect Polish in no time?
The Intense Course is for you!
A serious dose of language skills and rapid progress!

Intense Course

  • 30 lessons (2 weeks)
  • small group (4-6 people)
  • five times a week, four** lessons each day
  • unique materials
  • all language levels A0-C1


For whom is the Intensive Course?

Two-week-long Intense Course is for those that want to level up their polish language in no time! The course provides maximum immersion in the Polish Language. Polish language classes are diverse and focused primarily on interacting and communicating what is important for the students at a given moment. The Intense Courses are held at all levels of advancement.

Federico Fellini

"A different language is a different vision of life"​

Intense Course
- what makes a difference?

The main priority in this course is to deliver a severe dose of knowledge. During the Intense Polish lessons you will:

If you need a personalized approach, check our

Teaching methods

Our teaching methods, which create ideal conditions for the discoveries of the new language, in a playful and absorbing way, will work perfectly during the intense Polish language course.

We get to know how alive the language is, through everyday situations. During our polish language course in  Wroclaw, we analyze real-life cases – in real-time. We do that in Polish, to prepare you to use your new language freely.

The mentioned method emphasizes interactions between trainees. The more we interact during class, the more we are prepared for every situation.

We focus on vibrant and breathing language, which is being molded naturally in our courses. We don’t conduct our Polish lessons strictly by textbook. We listen to our trainee’s suggestions and ideas and adapt the course in real-time. 

intense polish course

Application form

1 450 PLN

  • 30 lessons (2 weeks)
  • five times a week, three lessons* each day
  • small groups (3-6 people)
  • continuous support of the teacher - helpful group on Whatsapp!
  • unique materials
  • we provide certificates after a finished course

*1 lesson - 45 min.

Upcoming Intensive Polish Courses

  • 01.07.24 - 12.07.24
  • 05.08.24 - 16.08.24
  • 19.08.24 - 30.08.24

    Find out more about the Dogme method here